Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Little About Me...

I am Jori Pace, I'm technically a sophomore in college but here at UVU I'm considered a Freshman. I went to Snow College for my first year and had a pretty good experience down there. My senior year of High School I took an English 1010 class through UVU that I really enjoyed. I wasn't able to sign up for English 1020 at Snow since the classes were too full, so here I am.
I have never hated English, the subject was never dreaded to me. I love to read books, and writing papers doesn't really bother me either. Whether I am good at writing papers? I don't know. I would like to think that I have a pretty good idea of what I am doing, but in the back of my head I am always curious to know what other peoples opinions are and what they think of my writing. One thing I am glad I came to learn in classes and about writing, is that it can be my own and that I can come up with my own ideas and that there is no right or wrong in stating my opinion about something. Like this blog, I have never blogged before so this is something new to me. It is something personal, comparable to a journal where I can say what I want to say and if somebody doesn't like it, well I guess they just don't read my blog right?
My experience with writing isn't a lot since I have basically just started out. I have obviously taken the required English classes through out my Junior High and High School career, that have allowed me to practice writing papers and other things. This past year of College I took a Marriage and Courtship class that assigned a lot of research papers. Now having to actually think about my writing experience, I am noticing and remembering that I have had a lot of free write and opinion papers assigned to me. That is what I am finding I like to write about most is just my opinion, doing research on that subject, and then stating what I think and feel. There is so much to learn about writing, and so many different ways to write. I am excited to get further into this class and see what it has to teach me so I can become better at reaching my audience and getting my point across about what I have to say. I am also looking forward to using this blog more through out the semester and trying something new.